Ultra light. At 115g just one third the average weight of current eBook readers
Display size:
Large 5" display, 16 greyscales
Device size:
The only pocket sized eReader
Battery life:
30 hours of continuous reading
Global wireless connectivity, with the greatest coverage of any eReader (Tri Band/3.5G HSDPA)
Supporting ActiveSync and USB mass storage (USB FS)
Communication with accessories and other devices (Bluetooth 2.0)
Powerful processing engine (ARM11 400MHz)
Flexible, today commercially available up to 8GB (High Capacity Micro SD)
User Interface:
Just 8 SimpleTouch Buttons
New York Times has this interesting article about how companies are mining through travel data to find travel deal. Sifting Data to Uncover Travel Deals sites the following website. Farecast.com airfarewatchdog.com ( to find deals that include companies that don't share data) Flightstats.com (if you wanted to see which flightsare most prone to problems/delays) milemaven.com (best mileage programs) pointmaven.com (earn the most hotel points) update 4/22 read more about at consumerist . Cheaptickets.com sidestep.com